CFPB Holds First Public Symposium

On June 25th the CFPB held its first in a series of symposia designed to stimulate a public dialogue with experts that will yield ‘common sense ideas’ to inform the CFPB’s policy development process.

The State of Consumer Protection

How the next Presidential election could change the mortgage banking industry and those who provide compliance advisory services.

RiskExec Product Release Notes - August 1, 2019

RiskExec has recently been updated to include the following corrections/enhancements.

From the 2019 ABA RCC: Andy Sandler Talks Reg Exam Prep, 2018 HMDA, and More.

Andy Sandler chats about RiskExec, the changing regulatory landscape, and upcoming Asurity products at the 2019 ABA Regulatory Compliance Conference.

Auto Lenders Beware: State Regulatory Enforcers Step In Where Federal Enforcers Back Off

Increased regulation from state enforcers put more pressure on auto lenders.

The CFPB Urges Financial Institutions to Report Elder Financial Exploitation

This week, the CFPB is urging all financial institutions to report any suspicious activity of older account holders that may be targeted or victimized for financial fraud or abuse.

CFPB Issues Factsheet on Assumptions Under TRID

On May 1, the CFPB issued a factsheet designed to give lenders guidelines for when an assumption of an existing loan by a new consumer requires them to deliver TRID disclosures (Loan Estimate and Closing Disclosure) to the new consumer. 

RiskExec Product Release Notes - June 30, 2019
Announcing Asurity Technologies’ Enhanced Compliance Disclosure and Closing Document Integration with Fiserv’s Mortgage Director

Asurity’s integration with Fiserv’s Mortgage Director LOS creates a faster, more compliant mortgage origination process at a lower cost and serves as the foundation for an integrated eLending strategy.

RiskExec Product Release Notes - May 6, 2019

Maps 2.0 Assessment Area/Peer Set names were not showing correctly in Maps 2.0 and have been corrected to display properly. The quartiling data used in the themes for Peer Set Maps was corrected to use the data only from the geography selected in the Peer Unit of the Peer Set. The Opportunity Zones layer has […]

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